HISL - PEET Xyleborini

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Xyleborus bidentatus (Motschulsky, 1863) species page

Xyleborus bidentatus (Motschulsky, 1863)

original genus:Phloeotrogus
notes:Kumar and Chandra 1977: 32 (described male)
type locality:India Occidentale
type sex:female
type repository notes:IZM
notes on type:Type status: holotype, type sex: female.


Africa Asia Burma India Indian
Indonesia Kenya Madagascar Mozambique Pacific
Philippines Tanzania Thailand VietnamAustralia: Australia
Bismark IslandsMalayaMicronesiaNew GuineaPalau Islands (Micronesia)
Afzelia bijugaAgathis sp.Alstonia sp.Anisoptera sp.Avicennia sp.
Canarium euphyllumCarapa sp.Dactylocladus stenostachysDipterocarpus turbinatusDryobalanops sp.
Dyera sp.Excaecaria agallochaGarcinia merguensisIntsia bijugaKoompassia malaccensis
Mimusops littoralisPterocarpus dalbergioidesRhizophora mucronataScaphium sp.Shorea acuminata
Sindora sp.Sonneiatia apelataStephegyne diversifoliaTerminalia bialataUpuna borneensis
Xylocarpus gangeticusXylocarpus granatum


Beeson 1915, Beeson 1922, Beeson 1930, Beeson 1941, Beeson 1961, Bhasin et al. 1958, Browne 1935, Browne 1961, Browne 1966, Chadwick & Nikitin 1968, Gray 1968, Hagedorn 1910, Kalshoven 1959, Kleine 1913, Kleine 1914, Kleine 1934, Nobuchi 1978, Ohno 1990, Ohno et al. 1982, Ohno et al. 1982, Ohno et al. 1987, Ohno et al. 1987, Ohno et al. 1988, Ohno et al. 1989, Roonwal 1954, Schedl 1935, Schedl 1936, Schedl 1937, Schedl 1942, Schedl 1950, Schedl 1952, Schedl 1953, Schedl 1955, Schedl 1958, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1964, Schedl 1965, Schedl 1965, Schedl 1966, Schedl 1966, Schedl 1968, Schedl 1969, Schedl 1971, Schedl 1972, Schedl 1977, Schedl 1977, Veenakumari et al. 1997, Wood 1960, Wood 1969


Beeson 1915, Beeson 1922, Beeson 1930, Browne 1935, Browne 1941, Browne 1961, Browne 1966, Gemminger & Harold 1872, Gray 1968, Gray & Wylie 1974, Kalshoven 1959


Beeson 1930, Beeson 1941, Beeson 1961, Bhasin et al. 1958, Veenakumari et al. 1997


Beeson 1930, Blandford 1896, Browne 1966, Eggers 1922, Eggers 1923, Eggers 1925, Eggers 1927, Eggers 1927, Eggers 1930, Eichhoff 1878, Gemminger & Harold 1872, Hagedorn 1905, Hagedorn 1910, Hagedorn 1910, Kumar & Chandra 1977, Motschulsky 1863, Nobuchi 1983, Schaufuss 1905, Schedl 1935, Schedl 1936, Schedl 1937, Schedl 1942, Schedl 1950, Schedl 1952, Schedl 1953, Schedl 1955, Schedl 1958, Schedl 1960, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1962, Schedl 1964, Schedl 1964, Schedl 1965, Schedl 1965, Schedl 1966, Schedl 1968, Schedl 1969, Schedl 1971, Schedl 1972, Wood 1960, Wood 1969, Wytsman & Hagedorn 1910


Browne 1961, Gray & Wylie 1974, Roonwal 1954, Schedl 1977


Corbett & Carter 1926
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