HISL - PEET Xyleborini

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Wood 1977

Wood, S. L. 1977b. New synonymy and new species of American bark beetles (Coleoptera: Scolytidae) Part IV. Great Basin Naturalist 37207-220.
Taxa (in this database) mentioned in this work, by keyword:


Ambrosiodmus devexus (Wood, 1977), Xyleborinus tribuloides Wood, 1977, Xyleborus dryographus (Ratzeburg, 1837), Xyleborus flohri Schedl, 1972, Xyleborus horridus Eichhoff, 1869, Xyleborus linearis Schedl, 1948, Xyleborus tonsus (Hagedorn, 1905), Cnestus laticeps (Wood, 1977)
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