HISL - PEET Xyleborini

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Froggatt 1927

Froggatt, J. L. 1927. Scolytidae [p 14-16, 27-33, 39-41, 58-59, 62-64, 76-81, 93-94]. in: Forest insects and timber borers.. Alfred James Kent,Sydney, N.S.W.. pp..
Taxa (in this database) mentioned in this work, by keyword:


Amasa truncatus (Erichson, 1842), Ambrosiodmus compressus (Lea, 1893), Microperus parvus (Lea, 1893), Xyleborus confusus Eichhoff, 1868, Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1801), Xyleborus hirsutus (Lea, 1893), [SCOL023], Cnestus solidus (Eichhoff, 1868)
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