HISL - PEET Xyleborini

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Mezzomo et al. 1998

Mezzomo, J. A., J. C. Zanuncio, J. A. V. Barcelos, and R. C. N. Guedes. 1998. Influencia de faixas de vegetacao nativa sobre Coleoptera em Eucalyptus cloeziana [Influence of native vegetation strips on the Coleoptera entomofauna associated with Eucalyptus cloeziana plantations]. Revista Arvore 2277-87.
Taxa (in this database) mentioned in this work, by keyword:


Sampsonius dampfi Schedl, 1940, Sampsonius pedrosai Schonherr, 1994, Xyleborinus gracilis (Eichhoff, 1868), Xyleborus affinis Eichhoff, 1868, Xyleborus ferrugineus (Fabricius, 1801), Xyleborus spinulosus Blandford, 1898, Xylosandrus biseriatus (Schedl, 1963), Cnestus retusus (Eichhoff, 1868)
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